Friday, July 15, 2005

What's All this Bloviating About Karl Rove?

Usually, the ranting, raving. whining, anke-biting on the left is pretty understandable (once you skew your thinking and look at the world from a self-absorbed adolescent's point of view), but I am unable to fathom why the libs are foaming at the mouth over Karl Rove's supposed "outing" of Valerie Plame.

Sure, I understand that Democrats and Liberals (I know, it's redundant) hate and fear Rove because he is the "evil genius" behind Pres. Bush's two (WINNING) presidential campaigns. But, a congressional investigation has already shown that Joe Wilson is a bald-faced liar. In addition, these MSM outlets that are now screaming that Rove "outed" Wilson's wife were, not very long ago, spilling buckets of ink and filling the airwaves with protestations that Plame was not an undercover CIA operative. (Of course, that was when they were trying to keep liberal reporters out of jail for refusing to reveal who leaked Plame's name to them.) Now, however, when it appears that Rove had a role in this "outing" of a non-undercover CIA agent, they are screaming bloody murder about protecting secrets. Is there something here?

Of course not. Why then, are the MSM and their leftist allies, going out of their minds about this.

Do they really think Rove committed a crime? Do they really think Rove is going to be indicted? Do they really think Bush is going to cut and run -- throwing a loyal aide 'under the bus' in order to protect himself? Maybe they do (because that's the kind of loyalty liberals extend among themselves).

Anyway, it's Friday evening at the end of a long week. I think I'll do a little reading and see if I can get a handle on this. Stay tuned.

tick ...

tick ...

tick ...

Well, that didn't take long. I checked the Weekly Standard, but nothing jumped out at me. I got a hit at the next site, National Review. In a short piece, Rich Lowry confirms what I suspected: that the liberal left, in their fear and loathing of Rove, are willing to say or do anything to try and stick it to Rove. Lowry: "The newest position of liberalism as represented by the New York Times ... will be difficult to predict, except that it will be calculated to inflict maximum harm on Karl Rove."

David Limbaugh's take is that same. The libs are just aching to get Rove. Writing in, Limbaugh points out that for the Left, any chance to take him down, no matter how half-baked or delusional is to be embraced. Limbaugh: "The Left's underestimation of Bush and irrational fear of Rove distort their perception and drive them into a mouth-foaming feeding frenzy to devour this mad political scientist."

My recommendation to, et al. Call the doctor and get an early refill on that antidepressant prescription -- you're going to need it!

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