Monday, July 18, 2005

UPDATE: What's All this Bloviating About Karl Rove?

Power Line, without doubt a "must read" blog, has some good insight on the Karl Rove non-story. In taking apart a story from the Seattle Times (see "Journalistic Malpractice. Again." (July 17, 2005)), Power Line puts forth two theories as to why the liberal MSM continues to push this story on the public:
"The quality of the reporting on the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame story has been appalling. It raises in stark form the question whether "mainstream" reporters get facts wrong because they are ill-informed, or because they are counting on their readers being ill-informed."

My vote is for the latter. It comports with the contempt (which is in some cases justified) the media has for the public. Unfortunately, too many Americans read a story in the paper, or listen to a story broadcast by the networks and accept it without question. Consequently, these media outlets become contemptous of their audience and sloppy in their work.

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