Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Real Conservative Party

I am sick and tired of supporting a party that talks conservative but acts liberal. I got a note from my son Matt and he told me about the Constitution Party. From what I've read so far, they sound terrific (more to come on this).

Some of you will say, as I used to say myself, that it's better to (hold your nose) and vote Republican, because not to do so is to effectively throw away your vote. I no longer buy that theory. For way, way too long, the Republicans have relied on this thinking. That's why they tack conservative during the campaign, and shift back to their "moderate" (i.e., liberal) ways two weeks after the election.

I'm tired of being a sucker; tired of being taken for granted; tired of voting for candidates who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. From now on, I'm voting for candidates who will actually stand up for conservative principles.

I realize that these candidates have virtually no chance of being elected (at least not yet). But, that's ok. At least I'll be supporting true conservatives and I'll feel better for that if nothing else. And if Republicans lose support -- and elections -- because people like me refuse to support them anymore, that's just too bad because I am NOT going support these frauds anymore.

Check out the Constitution Party here.

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