Monday, November 21, 2005

"I Was For War in Iraq Before I Was Against It"

Ever wonder where John Kerry learned to be a prevaricating, two-faced, flip-flopper? He probably learned it during his years as a Senator, but he may have also spent some time with Bill Clinton.

This past weekend "Bubba" had the gall to tell an audience that, despite the fact that he actually launched attacks on Iraq, he was against our taking out Sadaam. What a blowhard.

Here is an excerpt; the whole article can be read at Opinion Journal:
"Back when he was running for President, in 1992, Mr. Clinton promised an Administration that would "not coddle tyrants, from Baghdad to Beijing." As President, he launched military strikes against Iraq in 1993, following Saddam's attempted assassination of former President Bush in Kuwait; in 1996, and in 1998, following Saddam's ouster of U.N. weapons inspectors."

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