Thursday, November 10, 2005

More From Claremont

As I mentioned below, I'm just sitting down with my first issue of the Claremont Review of Books. I had to jump up and post the quotes from Ronald Reagan's Fist Inaugural because they were so timely to what I've been fuming about all day.

This whole editorial, entitled Bush's Philosophy, is excellent (see quote below). The guys at Power Line laud this periodical with every (quarterly) issue. So far, so good.

You can check out the periodical online here, and subscribe here (it's only $15).
Compassionate conservatism is the President's self-proclaimed philosophy. ... But a compassionate government cannot be a limited one. Its swelling sympathy will overwhelm the levees of individualism and consent ("I feel your pain," whether you want me to or not); and its pity implies that for some unfortunate people, justice is not enough. This inherent indiscipline is why compassion used to be regarded as needing reason's regulation, and why in any event it was thought better suited to private, not public, life. Compassionate conservatism, therefore, means big government conservatism. And big government conservatism is no conservatism at all.

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