Thursday, October 20, 2005

The NY Slimes "Being There"

The New York Times spins its revisionist history even in their advertising. I was checking a news site today and there was a banner ad for the Times with the theme "Being There".

"There" in this ad was the fall of the Berlin Wall back in 1989. The message being, if you were a Times reader, you could "be there" as the Wall fell. That's true as far as it goes.

However, "being there" with the Times back in 1989 would mean that you were on the side of the Communists as they tried to prop up their crumbling empire; "being there" with the Times would have meant opposing Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and John Paul II and supporting the Communists and the other useful idiots on the left.

Maybe the Times could do an ad about "being there" in the 1930's Soviet Union as their reporter, Walter Duranty, white washed Stalin's slaughter of millions of Russians during the forced collectivization of the country. Curiously, the Times now has an "oops" statement on their web site noting Duranty's discredited reporting.

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