Sunday, September 25, 2005

Updated Blog Settings

I changed my blog settings today. Anyone who checks the comments to posts may have noticed a lot of deleted comments. That's because those aren't comments, they're a pernicious sort of spam where some mutt posts a comment to a post, something like "great blog, stop by and visit my blog sometime" with a link to some porn or other site hawking some useless garbage.

I've been otherwise occupied recently and haven't posted much. But, I was relaxing today, reading some articles and posted three of those articles to my blog. I stepped away for less than an hour and when I came back, there were comments to all three posts. You guessed, three spam comments. Argh. :-(

I did some checking in the blogspot user guides and figured out that you can enable "word verification" -- that screening system where you have to input a word, number, alpha-numeric sequence in order to post a comment. I usually find these things annoying, but now I see why they are a necessary evil.

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