Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dems "Expending Their Energy Jumping Through the Ever Smaller Hoops of an Ever Kookier Fringe"

Another good Mark Steyn column in today's Chicago SunTimes (by the way, Steyn's column alone makes it worth buying the SunTimes instead of that useless liberal rag, the Chicago Tribune).

Here's an excerpt:
If you watch the TV news, you'd still think Cindy Sheehan was an emblematic bereaved army mom, rather than a pitiful crackpot calling for Bush to pull his troops out of "occupied New Orleans." Her Million-Moan March washed up in Washington on Thursday to besiege the White House. As the Associated Press put it, "Sheehan, Supporters Descend On The Capital." There were 29 supporters. Can two-and-a-half dozen people "descend" on any capital city bigger than the South Sandwich Islands'? Surely her media boosters were cringing with embarrassment at their own impotence. Since its star columnist Maureen Dowd got the hots for Mrs. Sheehan's "moral authority," the New York Times has run some 70 stories on Cindy -- and every story they ran attracted another 0.4142857 of a supporter to her march on the capital.

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