Friday, July 08, 2005

Sound the Advance

Osama bin Laden and his terrorist allies were paying attention in history class. They've recognized that they could never defeat the West, particularly the U.S., on the battlefield. They know the only way to "beat" us is to force us to give up and withdraw -- like we did in Vietnam.

They also know the way to force our withdrawl is to erode support for the war on terror at home. In the Tet Offensive, the Communists lost the battle but won the war. The battle was a huge military defeat for them, but the American public, persuaded by Walter Cronkite and the rest of the MSM, turned tail and sounded the retreat. These Islamist terrorists have learned that history well and have been trying the same tactic. The seemingly unending attacks in Iraq (and now London), with the seemingly endless casulties, are designed to erode support for the war on terror in the MSM, the halls of Congress -- and in our living rooms.

That's why Americans need to grit their teeth, stiffen their spines and renew their resolve to stay the course. To do otherwise is to aid and abet the terrorists. And that's why I think Ted Kennedy, Dick Turban, Howard Dean, et al, with their incessant criticism of the president and military are either outright traitors or willing dupes of the terrorists.

One "good" that can come from the horrific terrorist attack in London would be for the whining, ankle-biting, "blame America first" crowd to JUST SHUT UP and allow freedom fighters, led by Pres. Bush and Prime Minister Blair to once again sound the advance and take the fight to the terrorists.

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