Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mr. Roberts

After faking out the libs all day with rumors that he was going to pick Edith Clement, Pres. Bush did a Texas Two-Step this evening and picked John Roberts of the DC Cir. Court of Appeals as his nominee to the Supreme Court.

Roberts appears to be an excellent pick. Great resume and professional credentials. Most imporantly, he's pro-life. Roberts has written of Roe v. Wade: "we continue to believe that Roe was wrongly decided and should be overruled."

No matter who Pres. Bush chose, it was obvious that they would be slandered and smeared by the liberals and their bought-and-paid-for mouthpieces in the Senate. That being the case, I'm glad to see Bush choose someone who is worth fighting for.

And make no mistake, the fight is just beginning.

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