Saturday, April 15, 2006

United 93

You may have heard that there's been controversy over the trailer for the upcoming movie, United 93. One of the criticisms is that it's "too soon" for movies about the 9-11 attacks.

I say "bull". The only thing that's "too soon" has been our complacency about what happened that day. Naturally, people want to move on with their lives and hope that 9-11 was an aberration, a horrifying spasm of violence that won't happen again.

Well, I've got news for you. The only reason we haven't been attacked again is not for lack of trying by the Islamofacists, it's because our country has taken the fight to the terrorists overseas and we've been able to foil planned attacks at home. (I highly recommend this three-part article from The American Thinker blog regarding the progress of this war thus far and our prospects for the future: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.)

Liberals and other traitors (there's really no other word for them) would rather we forget all about 9-11 and what happened that day. They'd like us to think that it's the United States that is the real aggressor. The best that can be said of them is that they are ignorant and unwilling dupes of this country's enemies. Some of them are, in fact, seditious turncoats who hate this country and should be tried for treason. So why would they object to a movie about 9-11. Because it's a visceral reminder of what happened to our country that day, and why we're fighting today.

Check out the trailer and see for yourself:

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